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Company terms & Policy

AMC Health, Safety and Environmental Policy/Plan Effective from March 2006
1. Purpose & Scope
The plan is intended to establish the basic elements of an accident prevention program, establish standard
HSE practices, maintain a safe working environment for all employees on the jobsite, and reaffirm the
employees by all team members will be effective deterrent accidents.
It is the expectation that every employee on the project will be able to work without being injured. All team
members are responsible for each other`s well being on the site. No job is working performing in an unsafe
The purpose of this document is it two folds:
To establish guidelines/standards and assign specific responsibilities for the implementation and
administration of an accident prevention program.
To provide a basic HSE plan (hereafter referred to as the “plan”) that assist the project and its
subcontractors in the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazardous activities and/or conditions within
their respective areas of responsibility.
The provisions of the plan apply to all employees, visitors and subcontractors.
2. HSE Plan Elements
2.1 Medical
Ansar Al Madeena Contracting shall make available first aid kit, as required by regulation, in plant office and
2.2 Hazard Management
Ansar Al Madeena Contracting shall conduct job hazard evaluations for the work operations. The
evaluations shall be proactive in identifying, evaluating, and controlling hazards that may cause harm to
employees, visitors, or the public during construction. Evaluations shall be update and documented safety
concerns be revalidated on a regular basis.
All employees shall notify of the existence of may substandard conditions, activities, or equipment in their
work area. Their supervisors shall ensure those hazards are corrected immediately to maintain a safe and
healthy work environment for their people.
2.3 Assessments
Ansar Al Madeena Contracting shall perform periodic evaluations to determine their proactive
implementation of the plan. The safety compliance officer will perform periodic audits of the activities to
ensure proper compliance with the HSE plan, and national & local regulations.
2.4 Safety And Health Procedures
The project standards outlined in the HSE procedures in this plan national and local regulation shall be
considered as minimum requirements and shall be used by Ansar Al Madeena Contracting as the basis to
develop unique HSE procedures o meet the project and specific conditions.
Safety and health procedures and the plan shall be living documents that may require additions and
alteration from time to time, due to changing conditions. All employees and subcontractors working on
project will be required to follow these procedures while performing work.
2.5 Emergency Procedures
The emergency procedures are resident in the HSE plan. The procedures are use to establish a simple and
functional guidance that can be followed in the event of an emergency. The procedures also addressed the
role and responsibilities of the team members during emergency situations such as injury, fire, equipment or
property damage, and unusual weather.
Guidelines for Emergency Response
􀂾 Crisis Assessment (0 ~ 30 minutes)
􀂾 Call Local Emergency (999/Ambulance)
􀂾 Initiate Safety Action/Evacuation
􀂾 Move to Predetermined Assembly Location
􀂾 Assess Magnitude/Impacts of the emergency
􀂾 Gather Facts of The Incident-Who, What, When, Where, Why
􀂾 Determine The Scope of The Emergency Personnel Status, Spill, Estimate of Damage
􀂾 Determine Impacts- Community, Political Interest, Possible Media Interest
􀂾 Primary Notification List (30 ~ 60 Minutes)
A preliminary incident/accident report shall be prepared. Visual documentation (Photographs, Video Tape)
of the critical information shall be assembled as required. In the cause of a serious or possible fatal injury,
the scene shall be preserved until a complete investigation has been performed.
3. Safe Work Practice
3.1 Purpose
This section identifies those safeties and healths requirements shall are applicable to all employees and
subcontractors and visitors to the site. Adequate training shall be provided for all employees for their work
Activities such training shall be documented and other training that might apply to the specific work
activities. Employees who receive assignments that are not understood have an obligation to request
additional information and further clarification before they start their work.
3.2 Incident Reporting
In case of personal injury, illness, equipment accident, or near-miss no matter how slight, all team members
shall reports the incident immediately to their supervisor. If absence is caused by further developments of
the injury after leaving work, a report should be made by phone or message to their supervisors.
3.3 Vehicle Operation
All personal operation vehicles shall be observing the established road regulation plus any specific site rules
declared. All vehicle drivers shall possess a current driving license. Speed limit and traffic signs shall be
rigidly obeyed by all personnel. Where weather or other conditions dictate, additional precautions must be
3.4 General Dress Requirements
Individuals with long hair shall confine in a manner so as not to risk injury when working near moving
equipment or machinery. Loose or heavy jewelry such as watches, bracelets, medallions, and rings can.
Cause severe injury when caught in machinery. It is strongly recommended that these not be worn in the
work areas.
Plant workers are required to wear Ansar Al Madeena Contracting uniforms appropriate for the work being
Clothing soaked with grease, paint, thinner, solvents, or similar material should not continue be worn.
3.5 Visitors
All visitors will be issued with personal protective equipment by the construction contractor which they are
associated with.
3.6 Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment including hard hats, sturdy leather work shoes, and safety glasses shall be
worn by all personal un the plant and on the jobsite except when in parking lots, offices, designated change
or lunch room, or when operating a vehicle or machine with a fully enclosed cab. The exempt areas are void
when a hazard exists or manual work is being performed in the excepted area.
Worn or damaged personal protective equipment shall be replaced once on longer provides the intended
safety protection. It is the responsibility of individual employees to clean and maintain their personal
protective equipment and clothing. In instances where a question arises concerning appropriate personal
protective equipment, the safe coordinator will be consulted for a determination as to the suitability and
conformance of specific equipments.
3.7 Signs and Tags
Signs and tags shall be in conformance with the applicable regulations.
3.8 Safety Tagging and Lockout
All employees shall obey the approved safety tagging and lockout procedure.
3.9 Hand, Compressed Air, Powder Actuated, and Electrical Tools the following requirements apply to use of
all tools.
􀂾 Employees shall be required to report damaged and worn tools to their supervisor.
􀂾 Damaged or worn tools shall be taken out of service and tagged appropriated. They should then be
disposed of or correctly sharpened and/or repaired.
􀂾 Tools shall not be altered in any way and shall be operated in accordance with manufacturing
􀂾 Care should be taken that tools such as saws and grinders have the designed guards in place during
their operation.
􀂾 All grinding wheels, wire brushes, and flapper wheels shall be rated for the grinder on which they will
be used.
Compressed air should only be used for air-drivel tools and such other safe applications. Compressed air
shall not be discharged against any part of the body of any person, or used to blow dust off clothes. These
practices can cause serious injury.
Air line hoses for tools and other equipment shall be secured together to preclude uncontrolled whipping in
the event that couplings become separated while under pressure.
Air supply lines shall be protected from damage, inspected, and maintained in good condition.
Approved safety check valves must be installed at the manifold outlet of each line, all bull hoses shall be
secured with safety chains or equivalent.
Powder-actuated tools no person shall use or allow any person to use an explosive powered tool unless that
person is trained and licensed. The user shall provide evidence of training/licensing upon request, and shall
display the proper safety signs and give correct warning of all firing. Eye (including a face shield) and
protection shall be used when operating of personal protective equipment.
Electrical equipment and activities all portable , semi portable, and transportable electrical power tools,
equipment, leads, GFCI, etc., shall be correctly inspected and certified as safe by a qualified electrician and
filled with the appropriate compliance tag each quarter.
Electrical hand tools should be double insulated or grounded.
Welding/ gas and electric al welders engaged in electric and gas welding shall wear the appropriate
protective masks, hoods, and goggles in accordance with the applicable regulations and standards. Aprons,
gauntlets, and welding spats shall worn by welders where there is danger of injury from hot material.
Welding machines and gas bottles shall be turned off and hoses disconnected whenever the job is complete
and/or unattended. Gas welding equipment shall be inspected before use and all connection kept tight and
secure. Equipment should be placed away from floor openings, edge of platform, etc., and all hoses and
leads kept clear of walkway.
Gas bottles shall be stored in an upright position with caps installed and adequately secured.
The gauges shall be removed and caps installed when the gas bottle are not being work used.
Oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be stored at least 10 meters apart.
3.10 Cranes and Material Handling
All cranes, hoists, motor vehicles, elevator, and heavy equipment shall be inspected before use on each shit.
Operator of such equipment shall keep inspection records. All material handling equipment shall be certified/
inspected as required by regulatory agencies. Cranes and other lifting equipment shall be inspected daily by
other operator and recorded in a daily inspection log. All defects or repairs needed shall be recorded on the
3.11 Trenching and Excavation
Trenching and excavation work cannot be commenced on site unless an excavation permit has been
submitted and when approved by the site project manager or designee.
Combustion engines shall not be operating in or near any trenches or excavations in which personnel have
to work. The only exception will be small compactors used in well-ventilated excavations.
3.12 Fire prevention and protection
Work activities shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of a fire hazard or fire, in
accordance with program procedures and regulatory standards.

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